Tongue Tide Exhibition
Long Island City Flux Factory is pleased to present its next 2017 Major Exhibition, Tongue Tide, opening Thursday, July 6 from 6-9PM. The exhibition will be on view through Sunday, July 30 with gallery hours on Saturdays & Sundays from 1-6PM, and by appointment. Inspired by Flux Factory’s location in Queens, NY – the most language-dense area in the world– Tongue Tide explores the multitude of ways in which artists engage with language, addressing both its tide-like ebb and flow as well as its limitations. Investigating the ways in which we experience, use and understand words, the projects will take many forms including: games, performances, photography, installation, neon sign, nomadic library, opera, karaoke booth, artists books, online dictionary, video installation, walks, conversations over meals, visual storytelling workshops and more.
Public Events:Opening Reception, July 6th, 6-9PM Featuring The Blue Bus Project, and performances by Irene Chan, JeviJoe Vitug, and Martha Wilson.Flux Thursday, July 13, 5:30PM Artist walk by Bibi Calderaro, followed by a potluck with performances by Maribel Placencia and Purgatory Pie Press.Cinema Flux, July 26, 8PM organized by J Triangular.
Closing Reception, July 30th, 2-6PMPerformances by Amela Parcic with Marija Draskic, an opera by Michal Dzitko, and a potluck dinner organized by Masoom Moitra.Participating
Artists:Amela Parcic & Marija Draskic, Amira Hanafi, The Blue Bus Project, Bibi Calderaro, Carlos Salas, Eugenio De Giovanni Pizzorno, Graciela Cassel, Grayson Earle, Heather Kapplow & Ernie Kim, Helen Lee, Irene Chan, Jean Barberis & Daupo, Jevijoe Vitug, J Triangular, Katie Murray, Kristin McIver, Magali Duzant, Masoom Moitra, Maribel Plasencia, Martha Wilson, Michal Dzitko, Nina Ross, P A L / Pilipinx American Library, Patricia Silva, Purgatory Pie Press, Rashedul Deepon & Dan Silverman, and Xenia Diente